These desktop backgrounds are free for all to use and enjoy. However, for your own good I strongly advise you to read the DISCLAIMER.
All of the photos in this section were actually taken by either me or my girlfriend.
They are yours to use for free as long as you don't go off and make money off of them.
(33 images)
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No, I will not be adding new backgrounds each day. These images are from the website which is updated daily. However, I have only taken the ones that I liked and turned them into backgrounds through the regular process of resizing, cropping, and the like. If you want a scientific explanantion for any of the photos, click on the "Explanation" link below the thumbnail.
Fight Club
(12 images)
Run Lola Run (originally known as 'Lola Rennt')
(10 images)
The Princess and the Warrior (originally known as 'Der Krieger und die Kaiserin')
(13 images)
Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower'
(42 images)
Marvel Comic's 'X-Men'.
(6 images)
Miscellaneous Science and Math Backgrounds
(13 images)